Client: SCCL (Singereni Coalmine corporation Limited)
The SSCL is largent coal mine in INDIA which is located in Telangana
We got VTS( Vehicle tracking Solution ) project consists GPS vehicle tracking with installation of boom barriers with Cameras to monitor Coal handling vehicles 24/7 .The centralized server will store all activities like movement ,Idle, Speed and geofencing crossing area of Vehicles to ensure Coal theft has not to be done In this project our company has to provide Manpower ,GPS trackers, boom barriers ,cameras ,Rfid tags, FID readers for four years (2021-2025)
Client: Indian Army
This project is Security related equipment consists of providing Sliding gates with Tyre Killers with Automated software ,CCTV monitoring, RFID tagging and GPS -vehicle tracking this project is 7 Years contract(2018-2025) and also we provided GPS vehicle tracking to various Army units in india till date.
Client: Indian Railways
This project is providing personnel tracking of Railway tack checking employees to monitor their movement while checking railway tracks we supplied over 10000 personnel GPS trackers to various railway divisions throughout india till date.This project will be renewed every here we provide hardware and software as well
Client: Indian Navy
Needsoft is one of GPS Tracking partner for IFR-2016(International Fleet review) conducted by Indian Navy in Vishakhapatnam we installed GPS Trackers more than 1000 vehicles participated in This event and Our Company is appreciated by Indian Navy officials for Implementing GPS without failure
Client: Indian Railways and other Govt agencies
This is Drone Survey and mapping project we are taken drone photos with 2cm resolution and out homering with GPS control points taken by GPS points taken on ground with GPS rovers and also creating mapping with Arc GIS software with accuracy. We also done NHAI ( National highway authority of india ) Roads Video, railway stations yards ,railway tracks mapping and videos with the help of drone.